This December, I was trying to eat less meat and stick to a more plant based diet when I could. I was cooking Evans family a fun Christmas dinner and was trying to brainstorm what would suit everyone including myself. I came up with white bean chili. This recipe did not disappoint. Bon Appetit!
Ingredients: 1 tbsp gluten free corn mill 1 bag pre-shredded carrots 2 cups celery chopped, or 1 stalk 3 garlic cloves 1 jar salsa verde (pick level of spice) 1 bag frozen corn 2 cans white beans 1 can cannellini beans 2 yellow bell peppers 4 cups vegetable broth opt. 1 lb. ground turkey or chicken meat opt. 1 cup chopped potatoes Seasonings add to taste: ground sage ground parsley salt pepper cumin Topping Ingredient Options: jalapeno cheese avocado cilantro Directions: In a saucepan, add celery, carrots, garlic, onions, bell pepper. Stir until onions are browned. Add in spoon of cornmill. Mix well. Add to crock pot. Add 4 cups of vegetable broth. Mix into 3 cans of beans and jar of salsa verde. Season with ingredients listed above. Heat up corn for 2 minutes and add to crock pot. Cook for 1 hour, but the longer the better! |